Rdr2 Rattlesnake Hollow (2025)

1. Rattlesnake Hollow - Red Dead Wiki - Fandom

  • Rattlesnake Hollow is a natural formation in Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2, and Red Dead Online in the Cholla Springs region of the New Austin ...

  • Rattlesnake Hollow is a natural formation in Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2, and Red Dead Online in the Cholla Springs region of the New Austin territory. It includes several small caves in the south face of the Redemption Mountains west of Twin Rocks. In 1907 (or 1899 if discovered through glitches) the player can find a small chest with Otis Miller's Revolver along with several explicit photos. It is unknown how it got there or when as no evidence has arrived. Not much is known abo

2. Rattlesnake Hollow - Red Dead Wiki - Fandom

  • Rattlesnake Hollow est une formation rocheuse présente dans la région de Cholla Springs, dans l'état de New Austin. Rattlesnake Hollow est une falaise aves ...

  • Rattlesnake Hollow est une formation rocheuse présente dans la région de Cholla Springs, dans l'état de New Austin. Rattlesnake Hollow est une falaise aves des petites grottes. Ces grottes sont réparties sur trois "étages". Au deuxième niveau, un coffre est caché dans une de ces grottes. En 1907, le joueur peut trouver le Revolver d'Otis Miller et plusieurs images. Aucune information n'est donnée quant à son arrivé dans cette caverne. En 1911, John peut capturer un criminel qui se cache en ces l

3. Torn Treasure Maps - Red Dead Redemption 2 Guide - IGN

  • Once you collect both halves of the Torn Treasure Map, head down to the town of Armadillo. Northwest of the town, along the state line near Rattlesnake Hollow, ...

  • To collect and use the Torn Treasure Maps in RDR2 you will have to find and kill two unique Hermits, both of which can be found within the world of Red Dead

4. Online Treasure Map Locations, Gang Hideouts, and Gold Bars - IGN

5. Ambient Red Dead Redemption - Rattlesnake Hollow 1.0 - SoundCloud

  • 24 mei 2020 · Stream Ambient Red Dead Redemption - Rattlesnake Hollow 1.0 ... RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 Ambient Music Train Valley (RDR2 Soundtrack | OST).

  • Mix by VanillaVercetti

6. Ambient Red Dead Redemption - Rattlesnake Hollow 1.0 - SoundCloud

  • 24 mei 2020 · ... (RDR2 Soundtrack | OST). Melkigane. 16.6K. 1:00:00. 2y · RED DEAD ...

  • Mix by VanillaVercetti

7. How to Get Otis Miller's Revolver in Red Dead Redemption 2

  • 5 nov 2018 · Otis Miller's Revolver Location: In a Chest inside a Cave in Rattlesnake Hollow ... To find Otis Miller's Revolver, you are going to need to make ...

  • Made of gold and ivory, the revolver is a really nice looking weapon you should add to your collection. Below I will walk you through how to get Otis Miller's Revolver in Red Dead Redemption 2. 

8. Rattlesnake Hollow - RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 情報&攻略@ wiki

  • 20 apr 2020 · RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 情報&攻略@ wiki | RDR2; Rattlesnake Hollow. RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 情報&攻略@ wiki. Rattlesnake Hollow. 最終更新: 2020年04 ...

  • 概要 解説地図 概要 日本語:ラトルスネークホロー 地形:丘 所在地:ニューオースティン - コーラスプリングス 解説 険しい丘。斜面には小さな洞穴が多数存在する。 修復した宝の地図 のお宝が隠されて...

9. Red Dead Online gang hideout locations: Where to find enemy ...

  • 23 sep 2021 · Rattlesnake Hollow. You'll find this potential spawn point in New Austin, to the northwest of the town of Armadillo. The precise location of ...

  • How to find and clear every enemy camp in Rockstar’s multiplayer Western

10. [MOC] Red Dead Redemption 2 - Otis Miller's treasure - Eurobricks

  • 17 mrt 2019 · A small desert vignette which shows Rattlesnake Hollow with the small cave entrance. Inside the cave is Otis Miller's treasure with his golden revolver.

  • 1899, the United states of America On a long trip Arthur arrived on Manito Glade. There is a hermits home which is surrounded by a fence and Keep out signs. Morgan went into the hut and the hermit wanted to shoot him down. Arthur killed him and searched inside the hut for valuable items. He found...

11. All dinosaur bone locations in Red Dead Redemption 2 - Shacknews

  • 29 nov 2018 · Another dinosaur bone can be found north of Cholla Spring, right along the northern edge of New Austin. Head slightly west of Rattlesnake Hollow ...

  • Where to find the dinosaur bones and fossils for the A Test of Faith Stranger mission.

12. Red Dead Redemption 2 Dinosaur Bone locations | Eurogamer.net

  • 5 nov 2019 · Located just west of the marker for Rattlesnake Hollow, you will find this arm bone dug into the side of the base of a ridge, which is ...

  • Dinosaur Bones are dotted throughout the world of Red Dead Redemption 2. Unlike Dreamcatcher locations, you cannot get …

13. Red Dead Redemption 2 dinosaur bone locations and rewards - Polygon

  • 16 nov 2018 · It's also north of Pleasance House and west of Rattlesnake Hollow, which you'll write on your map if you explore the area. 29. Gaptooth ...

  • All the bones for the ‘A Test of Faith’ Stranger mission

Rdr2 Rattlesnake Hollow (2025)


How do you get the perfect rattlesnake in rdr2? ›

To get a perfect kill on a snake will require the use of the Bow with Small Game Arrows. If you haven't hunted much before, be sure to visit the Hunting Tips and Strategy page or the How to Get a Perfect Skin guide. Upon killing a pristine Snake perfectly, you'll earn a perfect Snake Skin and Stringy Meat.

What weapon for perfect rattlesnake rdr2? ›

The Black-tailed Rattlesnake can be found New Austin. As carnivores, they prey on small animals like mice, rats and lizards. A Bow with Small Game Arrows is considered to be the best weapon to kill these snakes, without causing too much damage to their skin.

Where is the rattlesnake hollow in rdr2? ›

Rattlesnake Hollow can be found in the New Austin region towards the western edge of the map, northwest of Armadillo.

Where are snakes in Red Dead Redemption 2? ›

The snake can be found in virtually all locations, including Guarma. Higher concentrations tend to be along the eastern regions, especially Bluewater Marsh in Bayou Nwa.

What is the most powerful gun in Red Dead Redemption 2? ›

Hands down the best gun in RDR2, the Carbine Repeater is a solid weapon choice for any fighting that players will be doing.

Can you get a perfect pelt with a rifle? ›

Large animals like cougars, bucks, and deer will only be perfect if you hit a vital or critical organ with a bolt-action rifle, and Massive prey like bears, elk, or cows will only yield a perfect pelt if you use a sniper rifle.

What is the best weapon for Arthur in RDR2? ›

1 The Schofield Revolver Is The Best Handgun In RDR2

The Schofield is the best revolver in RDR2, hands-down. It is slightly slower than some of the speed-demons on this list, like the Mauser, but a headshot from this well-rounded weapon will drop anything that stands in Arthur's way.

Where is Yeti Corpse rdr2? ›

Hidden inside a cave found at the top of mount Shann in Red Dead Redemption 2, players can find the Giant Remains, which likely belonged to Squatch Bigfoot. Other than finding these remains, players can do little else, as there are no other similar being alive in the area.

Where is the big crocodile in Red Dead Redemption 2? ›

Lakay, Bayou Nwa

For players who have progressed past that point, the Legendary Alligator can be found south of Lagras, roaming the marshy swamps of Lakay in the Bayou Nwa region of Lemoyne.

How to get otis miller's revolver? ›

You can acquire Otis Miller's Revolver any time after the start of Epilogue 1. You will find it inside the cave.

Is there a giant snake in rdr2? ›

The Giant Snake is an Easter Egg featured in Red Dead Redemption 2. It can be found in Scarlett Meadows, south of Pleasance.

How do you get rid of snake venom? ›

For more than 100 years, the mainstay of primary treatment for snakebite has been the administration of antivenoms. Antivenoms work by boosting our immune response after a snakebite. They are made by immunizing donor animals such as horses or sheep with snake venoms.

What is the best weapon for the perfect alligator in RDR2? ›

Tips. A rifle will easily kill an alligator, because of its ability to pierce through the animal's tough skin. A scoped rifle will allow the player to kill them from a farther distance without having to risk getting too close. A bow shot with improved or poisoned arrows directly in the head is also a good alternative.


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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

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Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.