Reinforcement learningis field that keepsgrowingand not only because of the breakthroughs indeep learning. Sure if we talk about deep reinforcement learning, it usesneural networksunderneath, but there ismoreto it than that. In our journey through the world of reinforcement learning we focused on one of the mostpopularreinforcement learning algorithms out thereQ-Learning. This approach is considered one of the biggest breakthroughs in Temporal Difference control. In this article, we are going to explore one variation andimprovementof this algorithm –Double Q-Learning,orDouble DQN.
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In this article we cover following topics:
- Understanding Q-Learning and its Problems
- Double Q-Learning Intuition
- Double Q-Learning vs Q-Learning Implementation with Python
- DQN and Double DQN Intuition
- Implementing Double Q-Learning (Double DQN) with TensorFlow
- Implementing Double Q-Learning (Double DQN) with TF Agents
1. Understanding Q-Learning and its Problems
In general, reinforcement learning is a mechanism to solve problems that can be presented withMarkov Decision Processes (MDPs). This type of learning relies on interaction of the learning agent with some kind of environment. This agent that is trying to achieve some kind of goalwithin thatenvironment, and environment has certain states.
In it’s pursue, agent performs numerousactions. Every action changes the state of the environment and results infeedbackfrom it. Feedback comes in a form of reward or punishment. Based on this agent learns which actions are suitable and which are not, and build so called policy.
Q-Learning is one of the mostwell knownalgorithms in the world of reinforcement learning.
1.1 Q-Learning Intuition
This algorithmestimates theQ-Value, i.e. the value of takingactionainstatesunderpolicyπ.This can be considered asqualityof actionain states. During the training process agent updatesQ-Valuesfor each state-action combination, meaning it forms atable, where for each action and the state we storeQ-Value. The process of updating these values during the training process is described by theformula:
As we mentioned previously, thisQ-Valuefor a particular state-action pair can be observed as thequalityof that particular action in that particular state. HigherQ-Valueindicatesgreaterreward for the learning agent. This is the mechanism that the learning agent uses to find out how to achieve defined goal. Thepolicyin this case determines which state–action pairs are visited and updated.
The important part of the formula above ismaxQ(St+1, a). Note thet+1annotation. This means that Q-value of thecurrent time stepis based on the Q-value of thefuture time step. Spooky, I know. This means that we initializeQ-Valuesfor statesStandSt+1to some random values at first.
In the first training iteration we updateQ-Valuein the stateStbased on reward and on those random value ofQ-Valuein the stateSt+1. Since the whole system is driven by therewardand not by theQ-Valueitself systemconvergeto the best result.
To get it even more clear we can brake downQ-Learninginto the steps. It would look something like this:
- InitializeallQ-Valuesin theQ-Tablearbitrary, and the Q value of terminal-state to 0:
Q(s, a) = n, ∀s ∈ S,∀a ∈ A(s)
Q(terminal-state, ·) = 0 - Pickthe actiona, from the set of actions defined for that stateA(s)defined by the policy π.
- Performactiona
- ObserverewardRand the next states’
- For all possible actions from the states’select the one with thehighestQ-Value–a’.
- Updatevalue for the state using the formula:
Q(s, a) ← Q(s, a) + α [R + γQ(s’, a’) − Q(s, a)] - Repeatsteps 2-5 for each time step until the terminal state is reached
- Repeatsteps 2-6 for each episode
In one of theprevious articles, you can find the implementationof this algorithm.
1.2 The Problem with Q-Learning
However, thisimportantpart of the formulamaxQ(St+1, a)is at the same time the biggestproblemofQ-Learning. In fact, this is the reason why this algorithm performspoorlyin some stochastic environments. Because ofmaxoperatorQ-LearningcanoverestimateQ-Valuesfor certain actions. It can betrickedthat some actions are worth perusing, even if those actions result in thelowerreward in the end. Let’s consider this scenario:
- Environmenthas 4 states – X, Y, Z, W.
- States Z and W areterminalstates.
- X isstartingstate and there are two actions that agent can undertake in this state:
- Up – Reward for this action is 0 and next state is Y.
- Down – Reward for this action is 0 and next state is terminal state Z.
- From Y state agent can takemultipleactions all taking them to the terminal state W. The reward of these actions is random value which follows a normal distribution withmean-1 and avariance2 –N(-1, 2). This means that after a large number of iterations reward will be negative.
ThisMDPis presented in the image below:
This is one simple environment with4 states: X, Y, Z and W. X isstartingstate, while states Z and W areterminal. There are twoactionsthat agent can take in state X –UPandDOWN.Rewardfro taking these actions is 0. The interesting part is thesetof actions from state Y to W. The reward for this set of actions follows normal distribution with mean -0.5 and standard deviation 1. This means that after a large number of iterations reward will benegative:
This in turn means that our learning agent should never pick the actionUPfrom the state X in the first place, if it wants to minimize the loss, i.e. the goal of the agent would actually be to get reward0, or the least negative value. This is whereQ-Learninghas problems.
Because we have that specific distribution of reward learning agent can befooledthat it should take action UP in the state X. In a nutshell,maxoperatorupdatestheQ-Value, whichcouldbepositivefor this action, learning agent takes this action as valid option.Q-Valueisoverestimated!
2. Double Q-Learning Intuituition
Thesolutionfor this problem was proposed by Hado van Hasselt in his 2010paper. What he proposes is that instead using one set of data and one estimator, to usetwo estimators. This effectively means that instead of using oneQ-Valuefor each state-action pair, we should usetwovalues –QAandQB. Technically, this approach focuses on finding actiona*thatmaximizesQAin the state next states’ – (Q(s’, a*) = max Q(s’, a)). Then it uses this action to get the value ofsecondQ-Value–QB(s’, a*). Finally it usesQB(s’, a*)in order to updateQA(s, a):
This is done the other way around too forQB.
Let’s brake downDouble Q-Learningprocess into thesteps. It would look something like this:
- InitializeallQA,QBand starting state –s
- Repeat
- Pickthe actionaand based onQA(s,•)andQB(s,•)getrands’
- Update(A)orUpdate(B)(pickat random)
- IfUpdate(A)
- Pickthe actiona* = argmax QA(s’, a)
- UpdateQA
QA(s, a) ← QA(s, a) + α [R + γQB(s’, a*) − QA(s, a)]
- IfUpdate(B)
- Pickthe actionb* = argmax QB(s’, a)
- UpdateQB
QB(s, a) ← QB(s, a) + α [R + γQA(s’, b*) − QB(s, a)]
- s ← s’
- Until End
So, why this works? Well, in the paper it is mathematicallyproventhat expected value ofQBfor the actiona*issmaller or equalto the maximum value ofQA(s’, a*), i.e.E(QB(s’, a*)) ≤ Max QA(s’, a*). This means that if we perform large number of iterations the expected value ofQB(s’, a*)is going to besmallerthan maximal value ofQA(s’, a*). In turn,QA(s, a)is never updated with amaximumvalue and thus neveroverestimated.
3.Double Q-Learning vs Q-Learning Implementation with Python
Before we proceed with the implementation, let’s import necessary libraries and define some globals:
import numpy as npimport randomfrom IPython.display import clear_outputimport gymimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt# GlobalsALPHA = 0.1GAMMA = 0.6EPSILON = 0.05
3.1 Implementing the Environment
As the first step of this experiment we implement simple environment:
class MDP(): def __init__(self, action_tree=9): # Actions self.down, self.up = 0, 1 # States and posible actions self.state_actions = { 'X': [self.down, self.up], 'Y': [i for i in range(action_tree)], 'W': [self.down], 'Z': [self.up] } # Transitions self.transitions = { 'X': {self.down: 'Z', self.up: 'Y'}, 'Y': {a: 'W' for a in range(action_tree)}, 'W': {self.down: 'Done'}, 'Z': {self.up: 'Done'} } self.states_space = 4 self.action_space = action_tree self.state = 'X' def _get_reward(self): return np.random.normal(-0.5, 1) if self.state == 'W' else 0 def _is_terminated_state(self): return True if self.state == 'W' or self.state == 'Z' else False def reset(self): self.state = 'X' return self.state def step(self, action): self.state = self.transitions[self.state][action] return self.state, self._get_reward(), self._is_terminated_state(), None def available_actions(self, state): return self.state_actions[state] def random_action(self): return np.random.choice(self.available_actions(self.state)) mdp_enviroment = MDP()
In the constructor of this class weinitializeactions and dictionary that represents states and possible actions in each state. We also create dictionary that defines transitions, i.e. we define which other states are available from some state. Finally, we initialize starting state to X. We have several functions in this class:
- _get_reward– Internal function used to return reward for certain action. In general, only reward is not zero only when we end up in state W.
- _is_terminated_state– Checks weather state is terminal.
- reset– Resets state of the environment to X.
- step– Performs an action.
- available_actions– Returns available actions for provided state.
- random_action– Takes random action.
During the implementation of this environment, we tried to follow Open AI Gym API as much as we could, so we should have fewer changes later on when we decide to switch to Open AI Gym. Don’t forget to create an instance of this class.
3.2 Implementing Q-Learning Function
Ok, let’s now observe Q-Learning function for this environment.
def mdp_q_learning(enviroment, num_of_tests = 10000, num_of_episodes=300): num_of_ups = np.zeros(num_of_episodes) for _ in range(num_of_tests): # Initialize Q-table q_table = {state: np.zeros(9) for state in mdp_enviroment.state_actions.keys()} rewards = np.zeros(num_of_episodes) for episode in range(0, num_of_episodes): # Reset the enviroment state = enviroment.reset() # Initialize variables terminated = False while not terminated: # Pick action a.... if np.random.rand() < EPSILON: action = enviroment.random_action() else: available_actions = enviroment.available_actions(enviroment.state) state_actions = q_table[state][available_actions] max_q = np.where(np.max(state_actions) == state_actions)[0] action = np.random.choice(max_q) # ...and get r and s' next_state, reward, terminated, _ = enviroment.step(action) # 'up's from state 'X' if state == 'X' and action == 1: num_of_ups[episode] += 1 # Update Q-Table max_value = np.max(q_table[next_state]) q_table[state][action] += ALPHA * (reward + GAMMA * max_value - q_table[state][action]) state = next_state rewards[episode] += reward return rewards, q_table, num_of_ups
Functionmdp_q_learningimplements Q-Learning algorithm:
- InitializeallQ-Valuesin theQ-Tablearbitrary, and the Q value of terminal-state to 0:
Q(s, a) = n, ∀s ∈ S,∀a ∈ A(s)
Q(terminal-state, ·) = 0 - Repeat for each episode
- Repeat until terminal state is reached
- Pickthe actiona, from the set of actions defined for that stateA(s)defined by the policy π.
- Performactiona
- ObserverewardRand the next states’
- For all possible actions from the states’select the one with thehighestQ-Value–a’.
- Updatevalue for the state using the formula:
Q(s, a) ← Q(s, a) + α [R + γQ(s’, a’) − Q(s, a)] - s = s’
- Repeat until terminal state is reached
Notice that in this function we count number of times algorithm picked action UP from state X. We returned this value along with the reward so we can plot them:
q_reward, q_table, num_of_ups = mdp_q_learning(mdp_enviroment)plt.figure(figsize=(15,8))plt.plot(num_of_ups/10000*100, label='UPs in X', color='#FF171A')plt.plot(q_reward, color='#6C5F66', label='Reward')plt.legend()plt.ylabel('Percentage of UPs in state X')plt.xlabel('Episodes')plt.title(r'Q-Learning')
We plotted how many times actionUPwas chosen in the stateXin percents:
We can see that in the beginningQ-learning, because of it’s nature, picked up actionUPfrom the stateXquite often. During this period reward was even positive for a couple of episodes. However, when that peak passed we can see that rewardstabilizedto 0 (mostly). Can this initial time for wrong decisions be improved withDouble Q-Learning?
3.3 Implementing Double Q-Learning Function
Implementing Double Q-LearningPythonfor the environment we created looks like this:
def mdp_double_q_learning(enviroment, num_of_tests = 10000, num_of_episodes=300): num_of_ups = np.zeros(num_of_episodes) for _ in range(num_of_tests): # Initialize Q-table q_a_table = {state: np.zeros(9) for state in mdp_enviroment.state_actions.keys()} q_b_table = {state: np.zeros(9) for state in mdp_enviroment.state_actions.keys()} rewards = np.zeros(num_of_episodes) for episode in range(0, num_of_episodes): # Reset the enviroment state = enviroment.reset() # Initialize variables terminated = False while not terminated: # Pick action a.... if np.random.rand() < EPSILON: action = enviroment.random_action() else: q_table = q_a_table[state][enviroment.available_actions(enviroment.state)] + \ q_b_table[state][enviroment.available_actions(enviroment.state)] max_q = np.where(np.max(q_table) == q_table)[0] action = np.random.choice(max_q) # ...and get r and s' next_state, reward, terminated, _ = enviroment.step(action) # 'up's from state 'X' if state == 'X' and action == 1: num_of_ups[episode] += 1 # Update(A) or Update (B) if np.random.rand() < 0.5: # If Update(A) q_a_table[state][action] += ALPHA * (reward + GAMMA * q_b_table[next_state][np.argmax(q_a_table[next_state])] - q_a_table[state][action]) else: # If Update(B) q_b_table[state][action] = ALPHA * (reward + GAMMA * q_a_table[next_state][np.argmax(q_b_table[next_state])] - q_b_table[state][action]) state = next_state rewards[episode] += reward return rewards, q_a_table, q_b_table, num_of_ups
We run it on the instance of the environment like this:
dq_reward, _, _, dq_num_of_ups = mdp_double_q_learning(mdp_enviroment)
Once again we count number of times algorithmpickedaction UP from state X.Double Q-Learningalgorithm figures out the trap much faster:
plt.figure(figsize=(15,8))plt.plot(dq_num_of_ups/10000*100, label='UPs in X', color='#FF171A')plt.plot(dq_reward, color='#6C5F66', label='Reward')plt.legend()plt.ylabel('Percentage of UPs in state X')plt.xlabel('Episodes')plt.title(r'Double Q-Learning')
Observe the plot:
3.4 Comparing Q-Learning to Double Q-Learning Results
And check it out what it looks like when we put results of both algorithm on the same plot:
We might say thatDouble Q-Learninglearned optimal policy in half of the training time. Finally if we print out thecumulative rewardso we can see who perform better:
We can see thatDouble Q-Learninggot ~2.5 timesbetterresults than vanillaQ-Learning.
3.5Working with Open AI Gym
Ok, we saw what happens when we use two algorithms on stochastic environment. Let’s check what happens when we use these algorithms onOpen AI Gymenvironments. For this experiment we use the environmentTaxi-V2
. This is relativelysimpleenvironment. The environment has4 locations(states)the agent’s goal is to pick up the passenger at one location and drop him off in another. The agent can perform6 actions(south, north, west, east, pickup, drop-off). More info about the environment can be foundhere.
First we need toloadthe environment:
enviroment = gym.make("Taxi-v2").envenviroment.render()print('Number of states: {}'.format(enviroment.observation_space.n))print('Number of actions: {}'.format(enviroment.action_space.n))
+---------+|R: | : :G|| : : : : || : : : : || | : | : ||Y| : |B: |+---------+Number of states: 500Number of actions: 6
Then we need to modifyQ-LearningandDouble Q-Learningfunctions so they are now applicable to this API. Changes areminimal, but crucial:
def q_learning(enviroment, num_states, num_actions, num_of_episodes=1000): # Initialize Q-table q_table = np.zeros((enviroment.observation_space.n, enviroment.action_space.n)) rewards = np.zeros(num_of_episodes) for episode in range(0, num_of_episodes): # Reset the enviroment state = enviroment.reset() # Initialize variables terminated = False while not terminated: # Pick action a.... if np.random.rand() < EPSILON: action = enviroment.action_space.sample() else: max_q = np.where(np.max(q_table[state]) == q_table[state])[0] action = np.random.choice(max_q) # ...and get r and s' next_state, reward, terminated, _ = enviroment.step(action) # Update Q-Table q_table[state, action] += ALPHA * (reward + GAMMA * np.max(q_table[next_state]) - q_table[state, action]) state = next_state rewards[episode] += reward return rewards, q_table def double_q_learning(enviroment, num_of_episodes=1000): q_a_table = np.zeros([enviroment.observation_space.n, enviroment.action_space.n]) q_b_table = np.zeros([enviroment.observation_space.n, enviroment.action_space.n]) rewards = np.zeros(num_of_episodes) for episode in range(0, num_of_episodes): # Reset the enviroment state = enviroment.reset() # Initialize variables terminated = False while not terminated: # Pick action a.... if np.random.rand() < EPSILON: action = enviroment.action_space.sample() else: q_table = q_a_table[state] + q_b_table[state] max_q = np.where(np.max(q_table) == q_table)[0] action = np.random.choice(max_q) # ...and get r and s' next_state, reward, terminated, _ = enviroment.step(action) # Update(A) or Update (B) if np.random.rand() < 0.5: # If Update(A) q_a_table[state, action] += ALPHA * (reward + GAMMA * q_b_table[next_state, np.argmax(q_a_table[next_state])] - q_a_table[state, action]) else: # If Update(B) q_b_table[state, action] = ALPHA * (reward + GAMMA * q_a_table[next_state, np.argmax(q_b_table[next_state])] - q_b_table[state, action]) state = next_state rewards[episode] += reward return rewards, q_a_table, q_b_table
Finally we can run both functions:
q_reward, q_table = q_learning(enviroment, observation_space, action_space)dq_reward, q_a_table, q_b_table = double_q_learning(enviroment)
Once they are finished, we can plot out therewardof each algorithm:
What we can notice in this situation is that overallQ-LearningperformedbetterthanDouble Q-Learning. Even though this might seem strange, it is actually expected to happen. The vanillaQ-Learninglearns only oneQ-Tableand theDouble Q-learningmust learntwoQ-Tables. In essence,Double Q-Learningis lesssample efficient, but it provides a betterpolicy.
4.DQN and Double DQN Intuition
With reticent advances indeep learning, researchers came up with an idea that Q-Learning can be mixed with neural networks. That is how the deep reinforcement learning, orDeep Q-Learningto be precise, were born. Instead of usingQ-Tables,Deep Q-LearningorDQNis using two neural networks.
In this architecture, networks are feed forward neural networks which are utilized for predicting the bestQ-Value. Because input data is not provided beforehand, the agent has to store previous experiences in a local memory calledexperience reply. This information is then used as input data.
It is important to notice thatDQNsdon’t usesupervisedlearning like majority of neural networks. The reason for that is lack of labels (or expected output). These are not provided to the learning agent beforehand, i.e. learning agent has to figure them out on its own.
Because everyQ-Valuedepends on the policy,target(expected output) is continuously changing with each iteration. This is the main reason why this type of learning agent doesn’t have just one neural network, buttwoof them. The first network, which is refereed to asQ-Networkis calculatingQ-Valuein the state St. The second network, refereed to asTarget Networkis calculatingQ-Valuein the state St+1.
Speaking more formally, given the current stateSt, theQ-Networkretrieves the action-valuesQ(St,a). At the same time theTarget Networkuses the next stateSt+1to calculateQ(St+1, a)for theTemporal Differencetarget. In order tostabilizethis training of two networks, on each N-th iterationparametersof theQ-Networkare copied over to theTarget Network.
Mathematically, a deep Q network (DQN) is represented as a neural network that for a given statesoutputs a vector of action valuesQ(s, · ; θ), whereθare the parameters of the network. TheTarget Network, with parametersθ −, is the same as theQ-Network, but its parameters are copied everyτsteps from the online network, so that thenθ − t = θt. The target itself used byDQNis then defined like this:
A while back we implemented this process using Python and Tensorflow 2. You can check out that implementationhere. Also, we usedTF-Agentsfor implementation as well and you can find thathere.
The problem withDQNis essentially the same as with vanillaQ-Learning, it overestimatesQ-Values. So, this concept is extended with the knowledge from theDouble Q-LearningandDouble DQNwas born. It represents minimal possible change toDQN. Personally, i think it is rathereleganthow the author was able to get most of the benefits ofDouble Q-learning, while keeping theDQNalgorithm the same.
The core of theDouble Q-learningis that it reducesQ-Valueoverestimations by splintingmaxoperator into actionselectionand actionevaluation. This is where target network inDQNalgorithm played a major role. Meaning, no additional networks are added to the system, but evaluation of the policy of theQ-Networkis done by using theTarget Networkto estimate its value. So, only the target is changes in Double DQN:
To sum it up,weightsof the second network are replaced with the weights of the target network for theevaluationof the policy.Target Networkis still updated periodically, bycopyingparameters fromQ-Network.
5. Double DQN TensorFlow Implementation
This article containstwoimplementations of Double DQN. Both are done with Python 3.7 and using the Open AI Gym. First implementation uses TensorFlow 2 and the second one uses TF-Agents. Make sure you have these installed on your environment:
- Python 3.7
- TensorFlow 2
- TF-Agents
- Open AI Gym
If you need to learn more about TensorFlow 2, check outthis guideand if you need to get familiar withTF-Agents, we recommendthis guide.
In this section of tutorial we usefamousCartPole-v0enviroment:
A pole is attached to a cart which moves along a track in this environment. The whole structure is controlled by applying aforceof +1 or -1 to the cart and moving it left or right. The pole is in upright position in the beginning, and the goal is to prevent it fromfalling. For every timestamp in which pole doesn’t fall arewardof +1 is provided. The complete episode ends when the pole is more than 15 degrees from vertical, or the cart moves more than 2.4 units from the center.
5.1 Import, Globals and Environment
Let’s kick off this implementation with modules that we need toimport:
import gymimport tensorflow as tffrom collections import dequeimport randomimport numpy as npimport mathfrom tensorflow.keras import Model, Sequentialfrom tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense, Conv2D, Flatten, Inputfrom tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adamfrom tensorflow.keras.losses import Huberfrom tensorflow.keras.initializers import he_normalfrom tensorflow.keras.callbacks import History
Apart from that, here are some of the globalconstantswe need to define.
MAX_EPSILONandMIN_EPSILONare used to control exploration to exploration ratio. While others are used during training process.REWARD_STDhas special meaning, which we will check out later on. Now, we need toloadthe environment.
enviroment = gym.make("CartPole-v0")NUM_STATES = 4NUM_ACTIONS = enviroment.action_space.n
We also defined number of states and actions that are available in this environment.
5.2 Expirience Replay
Next thing we need to take care of isexperience replay. This is abufferthat holds information that are used during training process. Implementation is looks like this:
class ExpirienceReplay: def __init__(self, maxlen = 2000): self._buffer = deque(maxlen=maxlen) def store(self, state, action, reward, next_state, terminated): self._buffer.append((state, action, reward, next_state, terminated)) def get_batch(self, batch_size): if no_samples > len(self._samples): return random.sample(self._buffer, len(self._samples)) else: return random.sample(self._buffer, batch_size) def get_arrays_from_batch(self, batch): states = np.array([x[0] for x in batch]) actions = np.array([x[1] for x in batch]) rewards = np.array([x[2] for x in batch]) next_states = np.array([(np.zeros(NUM_STATES) if x[3] is None else x[3]) for x in batch]) return states, actions, rewards, next_states @property def buffer_size(self): return len(self._buffer)
Note that this class does minorpre-processingas well. That happens in the functionget_arrays_from_batch. This method returns arrays of states, actions, rewards and next statesdeconstructedfrom the batch.
5.3 Double DQN Agent
Ok, to the fun part. Here is the implantation of theDouble DQN Agent:
class DDQNAgent: def __init__(self, expirience_replay, state_size, actions_size, optimizer): # Initialize atributes self._state_size = state_size self._action_size = actions_size self._optimizer = optimizer self.expirience_replay = expirience_replay # Initialize discount and exploration rate self.epsilon = MAX_EPSILON # Build networks self.primary_network = self._build_network() self.primary_network.compile(loss='mse', optimizer=self._optimizer) self.target_network = self._build_network() def _build_network(self): network = Sequential() network.add(Dense(30, activation='relu', kernel_initializer=he_normal())) network.add(Dense(30, activation='relu', kernel_initializer=he_normal())) network.add(Dense(self._action_size)) return network def align_epsilon(self, step): self.epsilon = MIN_EPSILON + (MAX_EPSILON - MIN_EPSILON) * math.exp(-LAMBDA * step) def align_target_network(self): for t, e in zip(self.target_network.trainable_variables, self.primary_network.trainable_variables): t.assign(t * (1 - TAU) + e * TAU) def act(self, state): if np.random.rand() < self.epsilon: return np.random.randint(0, self._action_size - 1) else: q_values = self.primary_network(state.reshape(1, -1)) return np.argmax(q_values) def store(self, state, action, reward, next_state, terminated):, action, reward, next_state, terminated) def train(self, batch_size): if self.expirience_replay.buffer_size < BATCH_SIZE * 3: return 0 batch = self.expirience_replay.get_batch(batch_size) states, actions, rewards, next_states = expirience_replay.get_arrays_from_batch(batch) # Predict Q(s,a) and Q(s',a') given the batch of states q_values_state = self.primary_network(states).numpy() q_values_next_state = self.primary_network(next_states).numpy() # Copy the q_values_state into the target target = q_values_state updates = np.zeros(rewards.shape) valid_indexes = np.array(next_states).sum(axis=1) != 0 batch_indexes = np.arange(BATCH_SIZE) action = np.argmax(q_values_next_state, axis=1) q_next_state_target = self.target_network(next_states) updates[valid_indexes] = rewards[valid_indexes] + GAMMA * q_next_state_target.numpy()[batch_indexes[valid_indexes], action[valid_indexes]] target[batch_indexes, actions] = updates loss = self.primary_network.train_on_batch(states, target) # update target network parameters slowly from primary network self.align_target_network() return loss
In the constructor ofDDQNAgentclass, apart from initializing fields, we use internal_build_networkmethod tobuildtwo networks. Note that wecompileonly theQ-Networkor the primary network. Also, note the rich API this class exposes:
- align_epsilon– This method is used to update theepsilonvalue. This value represents exploration to exploration ratio. The goal is to explore more actions in the begging of training, but slowly switch to exploiting learned actions later on.
- align_target_network– We use this method to slowly copy over parameters fromQ-NetworktoTarget Network.
- act– This important function returns action that should be taken in the defined state taking intoepsiloninto consideration.
- store– Stores values into experience replay.
- train– Performs single training iteration.
Let’sobservetrainmethod more closely:
def train(self, batch_size): if self.expirience_replay.buffer_size < BATCH_SIZE * 3: return 0 batch = self.expirience_replay.get_batch(batch_size) states, actions, rewards, next_states = expirience_replay.get_arrays_from_batch(batch) # Predict Q(s,a) and Q(s',a') given the batch of states q_values_state = self.primary_network(states).numpy() q_values_next_state = self.primary_network(next_states).numpy() # Initialize target target = q_values_state updates = np.zeros(rewards.shape) valid_indexes = np.array(next_states).sum(axis=1) != 0 batch_indexes = np.arange(BATCH_SIZE) action = np.argmax(q_values_next_state, axis=1) q_next_state_target = self.target_network(next_states) updates[valid_indexes] = rewards[valid_indexes] + GAMMA * q_next_state_target.numpy()[batch_indexes[valid_indexes], action[valid_indexes]] target[batch_indexes, actions] = updates loss = self.primary_network.train_on_batch(states, target) # Slowly update target network parameters from primary network self.align_target_network() return loss
First, we make sure that we have enoughdatain experience replay buffer. If we have enough data, we pick upbatchof data and split it into arrays. Then we getQ(s,a)andQ(s’,a’)usingQ-Networkorprimary network.After that, we pick the action and use theTrain Networkto predictQ(s’,a’). We generate the updates for thetargetand use it to trainQ-Network.Finally, we copy over values from theQ-Networkto theTarget Network.
However, thistrainfunction is just part of the wholetrainingprocess, so we define one class above that that combines agent and environment, anddrivesthe whole process –AgentTrainer.Here is what it looks like:
class AgentTrainer(): def __init__(self, agent, enviroment): self.agent = agent self.enviroment = enviroment def _take_action(self, action): next_state, reward, terminated, _ = self.enviroment.step(action) next_state = next_state if not terminated else None reward = np.random.normal(1.0, REWARD_STD) return next_state, reward, terminated def _print_epoch_values(self, episode, total_epoch_reward, average_loss): print("**********************************") print(f"Episode: {episode} - Reward: {total_epoch_reward} - Average Loss: {average_loss:.3f}") def train(self, num_of_episodes = 1000): total_timesteps = 0 for episode in range(0, num_of_episodes): # Reset the enviroment state = self.enviroment.reset() # Initialize variables average_loss_per_episode = [] average_loss = 0 total_epoch_reward = 0 terminated = False while not terminated: # Run Action action = agent.act(state) # Take action next_state, reward, terminated = self._take_action(action), action, reward, next_state, terminated) loss = agent.train(BATCH_SIZE) average_loss += loss state = next_state agent.align_epsilon(total_timesteps) total_timesteps += 1 if terminated: average_loss /= total_epoch_reward average_loss_per_episode.append(average_loss) self._print_epoch_values(episode, total_epoch_reward, average_loss) # Real Reward is always 1 for Cart-Pole enviroment total_epoch_reward +=1
This class has several methods. First internal method _take_actionis ratherinteresting. In this method, we use environment that is passed in the constructor to performdefinedaction. Now, the interesting part is that we change nature of the Cart-Pole environment by changing reward it returns.
To be more precise, this environment isdeterministic, but we want it to bestochasticbecauseDouble DQNperforms better in that kind of environments. Since the reward is always +1, we replaced it with a sample from normal distribution. That is where we use REWARD_STDthat we mentioned previously.
In thetrainmethod ofAgentTrainerwe perform run the training process for the defined number of epochs. The process follows Double DQN algorithm steps. For each epoch, we pick an action andexecuteit in the environment.
This gives us necessary information fortrainingthe agent and its neural networks, after which we getloss. Finally, we calculate average loss for each epoch. Alright, when we put it all together it looks something like this:
optimizer = Adam()expirience_replay = ExpirienceReplay(50000)agent = DDQNAgent(expirience_replay, NUM_STATES, NUM_ACTIONS, optimizer)agent_trainer = AgentTrainer(agent, enviroment)agent_trainer.train()
And here is the output:
*******************************Episode: 0 - Reward: 13 - Average Loss: 2.153 ******************************* Episode: 1 - Reward: 9 - Average Loss: 1.088 ******************************* Episode: 2 - Reward: 12 - Average Loss: 1.575 ******************************* Episode: 3 - Reward: 14 - Average Loss: 0.973 ******************************* Episode: 4 - Reward: 23 - Average Loss: 1.451 ******************************* Episode: 5 - Reward: 29 - Average Loss: 1.463 ******************************* Episode: 6 - Reward: 28 - Average Loss: 1.265 ******************************* Episode: 7 - Reward: 20 - Average Loss: 1.520 ******************************* Episode: 8 - Reward: 10 - Average Loss: 1.201 ******************************* Episode: 9 - Reward: 25 - Average Loss: 0.976 ******************************* Episode: 10 - Reward: 33 - Average Loss: 1.408...
6. Double DQN TF Agents Implementation
TensorFlow implementation of this process was not complicated, but it is always easier to have some precooked classes that you can use. For reinforcement learning we can useTF-Agents. In one of theprevious articles, we saw how one can use this tool to build DQN system. Let’s see how we can do the same and build Double DQN with TF-Agents.
6.1 Imports, Globals and Environment
Again, first we import modules and define constants:
import base64import imageioimport matplotlibimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport tensorflow as tffrom tf_agents.agents.dqn.dqn_agent import DqnAgent, DdqnAgentfrom tf_agents.networks.q_network import QNetworkfrom tf_agents.environments import suite_gymfrom tf_agents.environments import tf_py_environmentfrom tf_agents.policies.random_tf_policy import RandomTFPolicyfrom tf_agents.replay_buffers.tf_uniform_replay_buffer import TFUniformReplayBufferfrom tf_agents.trajectories import trajectoryfrom tf_agents.utils import common# GlobalsNUMBER_EPOSODES = 20000COLLECTION_STEPS = 1BATCH_SIZE = 64EVAL_EPISODES = 10EVAL_INTERVAL = 1000
One of the cool things about TF-Agents is that it provides us with easy way to load environments without installingadditionalmodules. That way we only use thisecosystemand don’t have to worry about missing modules. Here is how we load the environment:
train_env = suite_gym.load('CartPole-v0')evaluation_env = suite_gym.load('CartPole-v0')print('Observation Spec:')print(train_env.time_step_spec().observation)print('Reward Spec:')print(train_env.time_step_spec().reward)print('Action Spec:')print(train_env.action_spec())train_env = tf_py_environment.TFPyEnvironment(train_env)evaluation_env = tf_py_environment.TFPyEnvironment(evaluation_env)
6.2 DQN and Double DQN Networks
Because we want to run DQN and Double DQN together for comparison, we create twoQ-Networks.Underneath, this createsTarget Networksand takes care of themaintenanceof both networks.
hidden_layers = (100,)dqn_network = QNetwork( train_env.observation_spec(), train_env.action_spec(), fc_layer_params=hidden_layers)ddqn_network = QNetwork( train_env.observation_spec(), train_env.action_spec(), fc_layer_params=hidden_layers)
6.3 DQN and Double DQN Agents
Once that is done, we can create two agents. First one is used forDQNand the other one forDouble DQN.TF-Agentsprovidesclasses for this as well:
counter = tf.Variable(0)dqn_agent = DqnAgent( train_env.time_step_spec(), train_env.action_spec(), q_network = dqn_network, optimizer = tf.compat.v1.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=1e-3), td_errors_loss_fn = common.element_wise_squared_loss, train_step_counter = counter)ddqn_agent = DdqnAgent( train_env.time_step_spec(), train_env.action_spec(), q_network = ddqn_network, optimizer = tf.compat.v1.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=1e-3), td_errors_loss_fn = common.element_wise_squared_loss, train_step_counter = counter)dqn_agent.initialize()ddqn_agent.initialize()
These objects are initialized with information about trainingenvironment, object of theQNetworkand theoptimizer. In the end, wemustcallinitializemethod on them. We implement one more function on top of this –get_average_return. This method calculates how much reword has agentgainedon average.
def get_average_reward(environment, policy, episodes=10): total_reward = 0.0 for _ in range(episodes): time_step = environment.reset() episode_reward = 0.0 while not time_step.is_last(): action_step = policy.action(time_step) time_step = environment.step(action_step.action) episode_reward += time_step.reward total_reward += episode_reward avg_reward = total_reward / episodes return avg_reward.numpy()[0]
6.4 Expirience Replay
So far, so good. Now, we build the final part of the system –experience replay.
class ExperienceReplay(object): def __init__(self, agent, enviroment): self._replay_buffer = TFUniformReplayBuffer( data_spec=agent.collect_data_spec, batch_size=enviroment.batch_size, max_length=50000) self._random_policy = RandomTFPolicy(train_env.time_step_spec(), enviroment.action_spec()) self._fill_buffer(train_env, self._random_policy, steps=100) self.dataset = self._replay_buffer.as_dataset( num_parallel_calls=3, sample_batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, num_steps=2).prefetch(3) self.iterator = iter(self.dataset) def _fill_buffer(self, enviroment, policy, steps): for _ in range(steps): self.timestamp_data(enviroment, policy) def timestamp_data(self, environment, policy): time_step = environment.current_time_step() action_step = policy.action(time_step) next_time_step = environment.step(action_step.action) timestamp_trajectory = trajectory.from_transition(time_step, action_step, next_time_step) self._replay_buffer.add_batch(timestamp_trajectory)
First, we initializereplay bufferin the constructor of the class. This is an object of the classTFUniformReplayBuffer. If your agent performs poorly, you can change values ofbatch sizeandlengthof the buffer. Apart from that, we create an instance ofRandomTFPolicy. This objectfillsbuffer with initial values. This process is initiated by the method_fill_buffer.
This method in callstimestamp_datamethod for each state of the environment, which in turn formstrajectoryfrom the current state and the action defined by policy. This trajectory is tuple of state, action and next timestamp, and it isstoredin the the buffer. Final step of the constructor is to create an
pipeline whichfeedsdata to the agent.
Finally, we can combine all these elements withintrainfunction:
def train(agent): experience_replay = ExperienceReplay(agent, train_env) agent.train_step_counter.assign(0) avg_reward = get_average_reward(evaluation_env, agent.policy, EVAL_EPISODES) rewards = [avg_reward] for _ in range(NUMBER_EPOSODES): for _ in range(COLLECTION_STEPS): experience_replay.timestamp_data(train_env, agent.collect_policy) experience, info = next(experience_replay.iterator) train_loss = agent.train(experience).loss if agent.train_step_counter.numpy() % EVAL_INTERVAL == 0: avg_reward = get_average_reward(evaluation_env, agent.policy, EVAL_EPISODES) print('Episode {0} - Average reward = {1}, Loss = {2}.'.format(agent.train_step_counter.numpy(), avg_reward, train_loss)) rewards.append(avg_reward) return rewardsprint("**********************************")print("Training DQN")print("**********************************")dqn_reward = train(dqn_agent)print("**********************************")print("Training DDQN")print("**********************************")ddqn_reward = train(ddqn_agent)
When we run the function the output looks like this:
********************************** Training DQN ********************************** Episode 1000 - Average reward = 2.700000047683716, Loss = 95.45304870605469. Episode 2000 - Average reward = 2.299999952316284, Loss = 41.39720916748047. Episode 3000 - Average reward = 3.799999952316284, Loss = 34.7718620300293. Episode 4000 - Average reward = 5.599999904632568, Loss = 123.10957336425781. Episode 5000 - Average reward = 8.100000381469727, Loss = 171.66470336914062. Episode 6000 - Average reward = 15.899999618530273, Loss = 209.91107177734375. Episode 7000 - Average reward = 20.0, Loss = 130.32858276367188. Episode 8000 - Average reward = 20.0, Loss = 14.633146286010742. Episode 9000 - Average reward = 20.0, Loss = 188.2078857421875. Episode 10000 - Average reward = 20.0, Loss = 31.698490142822266. Episode 11000 - Average reward = 20.0, Loss = 306.1351013183594. ... ********************************** Training DDQN ********************************** Episode 1000 - Average reward = 1.0, Loss = 0.6193162202835083. Episode 2000 - Average reward = 5.699999809265137, Loss = 6.596433639526367. Episode 3000 - Average reward = 7.699999809265137, Loss = 16.949800491333008. Episode 4000 - Average reward = 6.699999809265137, Loss = 19.932825088500977. Episode 5000 - Average reward = 20.0, Loss = 4.6859331130981445. Episode 6000 - Average reward = 20.0, Loss = 5.8436055183410645. Episode 7000 - Average reward = 20.0, Loss = 44.722599029541016. Episode 8000 - Average reward = 20.0, Loss = 98.11009979248047. Episode 9000 - Average reward = 20.0, Loss = 11.548649787902832. Episode 10000 - Average reward = 20.0, Loss = 147.0045623779297. Episode 11000 - Average reward = 14.5, Loss = 321.64013671875. ...
In the end, we canplotaverage reward for both agents:
We can see that Double DQN creates better policy quicker and gets to the stable state.
In this article, we had a chance to see how we can enrich out DQN algorithm using concepts from Double Q-Learning and create Double DQN. Apart from that we had a chance to implement this algorithm using both TensorFlow and TF-Agents.
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Nikola M. Zivkovic
Nikola M. Zivkovic isthe author of books:Ultimate Guide to Machine LearningandDeep Learning for Programmers. He loves knowledge sharing, and he is an experienced speaker. You can find him speaking atmeetups, conferences, and as a guest lecturer at the University of Novi Sad.